Rangeela Gandhi Book In English


Gandhi used to sleep with girls of aged between 18 to 25. Very few people know about this but its true (for detail you can read books by Dr L.R.


BALI named “Rangeela Gandhi” & “Kya Gandhi Mahatma The”) the girls who slept with Gandhi accepted this. Gandhi used to say that he is doing all this for his Brahmchari Experiments. What from his experiments he was wanted to prove nobody knows? Gandhi himself accepted this that at the time of going to London for higher studies he decided to keep himself away from Meat, Daru and Sex, but he accepted that he could not control himself in the matter of Sex. Gandhi went to South Africa just for earning money and name because here in India he could not do well(flop) there he went mainly to save Abdullah &co.

Whose business was of smuggling and charged very much for this. In 1932, Gandhi collected 1crore & 32 lakh Rs in the name of “TILAK SWARAJ” fund, which was collected for the use of DALITS. However, he did not spend even a single penny on DALITS. In his whole life Gandhi kept on shouting that, he is in the supports AAHINSA. However, at the time of Second World War he himself sends Indian army for the fight from England side.

AAHINSA kaha geye uss waqt? During daytime, Gandhi spent the day in the Jhugis but he spent the night in the rest house of Birlas. Gandhi advised people to live a simple life, but his simplicity was that when he was in jail there were three women in the jail to serve him for his simplicity!

Gandhi did not open a single door of a Hindu temple in Gujrat his home province in India for the UNTOUCHABLES. Gandhi used to say that Subhash Chander Bose is like his own son, but Gandhi went on hunger strike until Bose leave his post in congress. Gandhi promised to British govt. That if we found Bose we will handover him to you (Bose was wanted in those days). Gandhi kept people in dark that he is trying to save Bhagat Singh. However, the truth is that he never tried to contact VICEROY about Bhagat Singh issue.

Rangeela gandhi and kya gandhi mahatma the book pdf Rangeela gandhi and kya gandhi mahatma the book pdf. In attempt to fit into english society.

This all is said by the friend of VICEROY & Bhagat Singh named MANMATH NATH in his writings. Gandhi was feared about the popularity of Bhagat Singh because the popularity of Bhagat Singh was increasing of which Gandhi felt nervous. Gandhi was saying that if the Pakistan would made it will only happen after his death. However, it was Gandhi who signed 1st on the proposal of making Pakistan. Gandhi cheated all Indians at ROUND TABLE CONFERENCES by not giving the details in proper & those details, which were true. Gandhi started so many ANDOLANS & LEHARS against British govt. But after a month or after 2 months he withdraw he all those ANDOLANS & LEHARS.

Then what was the use of starting all those? What about the sacrifice of all those people who took part in all those ANDOLANS? In addition, he never went to lead people in those ANDOLANS.

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Even Gandhi’s own sons were against him but I do not know why all people were following him. Now a days almost all Hindu people say Gandhi as a revolutionair, but what he said” I have come here on earth to fulfill the laws of caste.” How can one say such a person as a revolutionair? A true revolutionair never thinks according to caste line, not according to rich, poor etc.

These are very few points there are many more truths about Gandhi. In addition, from above point’s you people can decide about Gandhi. In BABA SAHEB’s own words “Gandhi Age is the Dark Age of India”. BABA SAHEB has also said in interview to BBC that “A PERSON WHO CHEATS AND KEEP OTHER PEOPLE IN DARK TO THAT PERSON IF YOU SAY A MAHATMA THEN GANDHI IS A MAHATMA. Facts about Widespread story ‘Untold Truths about Gandhi’ Analysis: Analyzed below are the facts and truths about Gandhi: 1. This is a misinterpreted fact. Gandhi developed a censorious attitude towards sex in his 30s, he had a normal married-sex life before that.

At the age of 38, he took a vow of brahmacharya, living a spiritual life. Gandhiji believed that true brahmacharya is ability to stay away from worldy pleasures like sex. In order to promote this, Gandhi set up ashrams where he began his first “experiments” with sex. Here in ashram, boys and girls were to bathe and sleep together, chastely, but were punished for any kind of sexual talk.

Married men and women were segregated, and Gandhiji adviced husbands not be alone with their wives, and, when they felt passion, they should take a cold bath. A misinterpreted fact again. The women agreed to serve Gandhiji at their own will, even though he asked them to stay away. This was the part of Satyagraha movement in South Africa. More details 7. This is a fact.

Untouchables in Gujarat did have anything to gain from Gandhiji. He could not open a single door of a Hindu temple in his home province for the UNTOUCHABLES.

Mahatma Gandhi Book In Hindi Pdf

Untouchability was a major issue then. But he did work against untouchability and even went on a one day fast in 1932, when he was in Yeravda jail. Another misinterpreted fact.


The story relates to the period when Bose was elected president of the Indian National Congress for 2 consecutive terms, but had to resign from the post due to ideological conflicts with Mohandas K. Gandhi and after attacking the Congress’ foreign and internal policies openly. Bose believed that Gandhi’s policy of non-violence cannot secure India’s independence, and advocated violent resistance. He started the mass civil disobedience protest against Viceroy Lord Linlithgow’s decision and declared war on India’s behalf without consulting the Congress leadership. As a result, Bose was thrown in jail by the British, where he sought to a seven-day hunger strike, following which he was released, but was kept under surveillance by the CID.

Later Netaji developed Indian National Army and shattered the base of the British colonialism. Under these circumstances, Gandhi, Nehru, and Maulana Azad met together and signed an agreement with a British judge that Netaji would be handed over to them when he enters India. Gandhi did appreciate Bose’s intentions of freedom fight and considered him as his son, but he did not support violence. He mentioned the same in one of his letters 9.

This is not true. Gandhi did try to appeal, he pleaded several times for the commutation of the death sentence of Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, and also made a personal visit on 19 March 1931. He wrote a letter to the Viceroy on the day of their execution, and pleaded fervently for commutation, unaware of the fact that the letter would be too late. Lord Irwin, then Viceroy of India later said, ” As I listened to Mr. Gandhi putting the case for commutation before me, I reflected first on what significance it surely was that the apostle of non-violence should so earnestly be pleading the cause of the devotees of a creed so fundamentally opposed to his own, but I should regard it as wholly wrong to allow my judgment to be influenced by purely political considerations. I could not imagine a case in which under the law, penalty had been more directly deserved.” 10. Fac simile contratto di locazione.

Rangeela Wiki

This is another misinterpreted facts about Gandhi. Gandhi was against separation of India into Pakistan. It was Nehru who persuaded him saying that the situation demanded formation of Pakistan, or else it would create security issues.

Gandhiji was very sad to accept this decision. You can read the conversation 11. The details and proceedings of the round table conferences were clearly open to public. You can read one instance of his sincerity and patriotism 12.

Gandhi did not support violence, he always believed in non-violent methods of protest. All his andolans were to create interest in public to fight peacefully for freedom, and not generate violence or harm to the public. Gandhi called himself a “highly orthodox hindu” during a speech at a temple in Vadtal in January 1921. He started many strong efforts to unite the Indian Hindus, Muslims and Christians and struggled for the betterment of the untouchables in Hindu society. Gandhi was not a racist, he respected all castes and religions equally. In attempt to fit into english society, he even tried to learn dancing and speak foreign languages while he was in foreign countries. He had a different view point regarding caste system.

He believed that caste is simply a custom that everyone follows, but should also respect others’ as well. He stated that “I am one of those who do not consider caste to be a harmful institution. In its origin, caste was a wholesome custom and promoted national well-being.

” Further he believed that “If we make ourselves believe that Hindus and Mohammedans cannot be one unless they interdine or intermarry, we would be creating an artificial barrier between us which it might be almost impossible to remove.” Baba Saheb Ambedkar belonged to dalit community, that was considered as untouchable. When neither congress nor Gandhi could do anything significant about the untouchability, he intensified his attacks on Gandhi and congress government. He did not believe in caste system, unlike Gandhi.

Therefore, he called “this Gandhi age is the dark age of India”, and claimed that caste system is a backward belief that does not help social development. You can find more about this To conclude, Gandhi was a person who had different ideologies, but did work for the freedom and unity of the country. There have been some anti-Gandhi messages circulating over the years, without complete facts. One such writing is the book by Dr L.R Balley named Rangeela Gandhi, which led to lot of furore in Rajasthan. The book was also banned by the Rajasthan Govt. On 24th December 2009.


Another widely circulated picture shows him dancing casually with an English lady, but it is a fake one. If you look closely at the picture, the old man is very muscular, but truth is that Gandhiji was always skinny. The old man is apparently an Australian actor posing as Gandhi and shaking his leg with an English actress at a charity gala in Sydney.

Hoax or Fact: Mixture of hoax and facts.