The Lilith Device Rags Game Download


EDIT: All game files have been uploaded as zip files. If you've been having the 'unreadable' error, try downloading now. No, not de compression.

  1. Rags Game Player
  2. Lilith Device Rags
  3. Tfgamessite

Although, I guess, sudden decompression. Anyway, it's been a rough couple of weeks. Had a couple of job prospects that didn't really pan out for whatever reason, despite what I thought were good interviews, so I'm still looking. Might have to work at McDonald's at this rate. Wouldn't that be fun. But no one cares about that, so here's the deal: not going to be working on anything again today, but tomorrow, I will be.

[ATTACH] Overview: This is a fan story turned interactive story/game where you play as the main character from the original The Lilith Device RAGS.

The only way to get out of depression is to crawl out of it, right? So, I have to force myself to do so. So then why am I not working on something today? Because I looked at my email box and realized that I am an asshole and haven't answered emails since January.

Which is such a dick move. I'm going to go through that backlog and reply to everything, whether it's out of date, already resolved, or what. Rest assured that I actually do read every email because. Okay, here's the explanation, and it's kind of stupid. I'm Anonymous Man, right? I value my anonymity, despite the fact that it really would not be terribly difficult to figure out who I am with a little effort.

So I have the email for my 'official' communications. That email address forwards everything to my actual email account, which is where I read just about everything. But, since it's a) forwarded, and b) my personal email account, I don't reply to anything from there. So instead I just read it, lie to myself that I'll reply 'soon(tm)' and then forget all about it until days like today. Anydangway, in other news, I'm going to upload zip files of the both TTF and Cursed today to all three upload sites (and maybe another one that was recommended) in the hopes of finally preventing the 'Sorry, This RAGS file is unreadable' error, which I have allowed to continue for far too long.

I can't say that it will fix it, because I don't know, but I can try it; it's not especially time consuming or difficult. Don't expect it to actually reduce the size of the file, though, because RAGS files hate compression. Finally, I should probably point people to awesome games that I occasionally play.

If you like TTF or Cursed, you may like these games, but no guarantees. Lots of respect for the creators, though. After the break since it ended up pretty long.: (HTML) Okay, so BlueWinds contacted me and asked for a link, but I enjoyed Brothel Sim and the sequel looks pretty impressive from at least a coding standpoint so far. S/he's doing a for the project, asking for $12K (Man, if I had 12K.).

If you haven't tried Brothel Sim, you can try it.: (RAGS) Hits all the high points: lots of choices, consequences, and slow changes. Sadly, it hasn't been updated in quite a while, but the author (spangle) is adamant that it's still being worked on. Wait, that sounds familiar.: (Twine/HTML) Lots and lots of domination/submission stuff in here, with some rather prominent male-to-female transformation as well.

Not complete, but barrabas updates frequently, and worth trying for the story alone, which is surprisingly well-thought out for all the branches it takes. (RAGS) TinaB does good work. Voluntary MTF here, with incremental changes. Not complete, and given TinaB's track record, not likely to be completed, but it has a surprising amount of content.

The lilith device help

(RAGS) Worth playing for the (custom) pictures alone. Surprising no one: MTF changes, but with a few interesting twists. Very linear, you won't take long finishing it, but for a first effort, surprisingly good. ZoeyMay has stated that the game is abandoned as a new version is started from scratch, but we'll see what happens.

(RAGS) Before cblack did comics, cblack did games. Or maybe it was at the same time, I don't know. This game was created long before I started, and while it has mtf, it focuses more on mental changes than physical changes. (RAGS) A surprising amount of gameplay for such a simple concept, and SubmissiveSophie has a way with scenario writing. Give it a shot, I can almost guarantee you won't be disappointed. Fully complete, and unlocked if you want a peek behind the scenes. (RAGS) Bad name, great game (though I'm not one to talk about bad titles).

Orcha is also insisting this is not abandoned, so while it's incomplete, it's worth trying out. Involves mental and physical corruption, along with physical transformation. (RAGS) I have to admit that sometimes, there's just someone out there who's better than me. I admit it quite frequently. Okay, maybe all the time. ANYWAY, ToLaD is an excellent game with mtf of the Japanese variety, so something different from all thouse Caucasian ladies you normally see. Also features theme's of mental change and corruption.

There's also a currently in development, though RedGambit seems a little pressed for time by real life. (RAGS) Mind control is not my fetish, far from it, but Overseer is an excellent game nonetheless.

It's still technically in beta, but it's essentially complete as it stands. It's a good example, also, of why Cursed doesn't have pictures: at 100+ mb in size, the game takes forever to load, forever to save, and forever to shut down. Still worth playing, if only because DollMistress creates surprisingly engaging stories (that take a while to get started, hmm, wait, where have I heard that before?). (RAGS) Another mind control game with some limited transformation of the poof (instant) variety, the Lilith Device is nonetheless an excellent game with a good story. Sadly not complete, but still being worked on with a new update 'any day now', according to creator Captain. (Ren'py/HTML) Okay, so this is a weird game, but SeldomPie has put a lot of work into it, and it has paid off.

I don't believe the engine is designed for the game that's being created (visual novel engine + open world adventure =???), but it's great nonetheless. Very bizarre female transformations, though, so be warned: if you don't want your ladies to grow giant crab claws for hands, then this might not be for you. (Flash) If you're here from Fenoxo's site, you probably have already tried Nimin, but if you haven't, maybe you should. Xadera has transformations in the game, mostly anthro furry, but there's some crazy pregnancy and hyper stuff, and all kinds of weird shenanigans afoot. Just a recommendation: use the hot keys. You will need a FurAffinity account.

(RAGS) Does anyone know mdqp? Have you tried TotDC? Imagine an somewhat linear RPG in RAGS focused around mind control and corruption (with some bimbo stuff) and you're good to go.

I haven't played this one in a few updates, but the last time I played, I was upset when I ran out of content, so I guess that's a good indicator of quality? (Flash) I have, if I'm honest, not bothered with Slavemaker in quite some time, but there's the off-chance that someone hasn't tried it. CMacleod has created a very modular game, which is great, but most of the slaves that people make are 'vanilla' (just like all the others, no uniqueness but the graphics) or incomplete. Still, if you haven't tried it, and you can download all 3 gigs of it, it'll definitely keep you occupied for a while.

I think that's enough for now. Email awaits! Just played through the first part of Tales of Lust and Delacroix - very well written, but 'find out what to click next to avoid a bad end' is not my favorite form of gameplay - in that sense, I think Cursed is definitely superior.

The Masculine Mystique is also pretty good, but it seemed a little. Scramble keypads. I don't know, unsubtle? Seems off to be using that in comparison to Lust & Delacroix or Slavemaker, but the town-of-jocks-and-sluts felt very heavy handed. I'll be going through more of these as I have time / interest (not reviewing since I'm a little biased, being the developer and all) - thanks for the list! UZ1 That error isn't from your game. It is from when a person is downloading a Rags game, and has it set to open as soon as it is downloaded (so it will be in Temp), then will say it can't be read. But, if the person clicked to save it, and then open the game themselves after it finished downloading then they wouldn't get the error.

When they have it set to open automatically, then for some reason the game gets ticked to be Read Only, but that can be changed by right-clicking, and then going to properties, and unchecking 'Read Only,' then the game will work. Anyways, I recommend, as it doesn't require an account, and they won't take the game down (MediaFire might). Anonymous For getting jobs. I hate searching for jobs, and I can barely tolerate some of the good advice (like: collect a thousand rejections).

The best way to find jobs is through friends. HR's job is to keep people from getting hired, and sometimes they are good at their job. But, also it's good to think about things you enjoy doing, and find experiences you have had where you did things you enjoy and put all of that together in a coherent resume or whatever. But did I mention that the best way to get jobs is through friends (or friends of friends) - the other way is to apply for so many jobs that you just stumble over someone that happens to need someone like you by dumb luck. Or maybe you will get lucky, but the best way to make luck is to make lots of chances for yourself.

Depression is hard, though. In my experience, it builds up slowly over a long period of time and then it's too much. I hope you can find your way here. (And maybe my hints here will be helpful.).

Rags Game Player

/v/'s recommendations: What I've tried: Genie Gone Wild Corrupt or grant wishes, see the sexy consequences. One 'ending', multiple routes. Several things change based on your selections, but only about twenty or so short paths. TG, TF, D/s, MC The Lilith Device Brainwash women to join your lesbian harem and try to take over the world RPG-esque with simplified stats, fetch-quests, and a bit of a plot. Lots of content, but I'm currently stuck. MC, TF, mindbreak, D/s, MC, and some more mindcontrol Cursed Womanizing man gets turned into a woman, now (s)he's trying to survive Slow as shit, but apparently has a ton of content.

You have to manage your day, including work, exercise, shopping, and cleaning your apartment. Everything you do alters you slightly, but very slightly. TG, TF, pregnancy, and others I haven't gotten to. I'd add Overseer to the recommended list. It's similar to The Lilith Device. Female protagonist capturing and brainwashing other women into obedient slaves.

In fact the two games have references to each other. One major difference in terms of the story is that in Overseer you're a mind control victim yourself, serving an organization called Hive. You've been given greater mental freedom than most slaves so that you can act as an overseer, managing other slaves and expanding Hive's influence. It's a complete game with a huge amount of content.

Which can actually be a bit of a problem. Save and load times can be very slow because the game is pushing the limits of what the RAGS engine can handle. Favorite RAGS game is probably Niburi. It's incomplete (like 90% of RAGS games) and probably won't be finished, but it is fun and likely the most open-worldy kind of game you'll find on the platform. I has a combat and time system somewhat similar to CoC in that you can have your way with enemies you encounter in the wilds or vice versa. You get money and can find an item or two, which you can use back in town to buy better gear/clothes/items or use for quests and such.

Lilith Device Rags

You start off as a male, but can gender-bend your way through futa/hermaphrodite and completely female depending on your actions and clothing and such. You can even corrupt your sister and get her to grow a cock and proceed to enjoy some /d/-grade incest, if that's your thing.

Achieving the desired initial transformation is kinda tricky. Though Redhead and Androgynous Black hair are the extremes, so they're a little easier to pull off. For Redhead you have to select the most direct option of 'purification' or whatever its called. I -think- it was the Red Button though it might be the green.

It's the one that ends up on an injection. From then on, TRY EVERYTHING. Look at all posters, eat everything, find the clothes and wear them, activate the humidifier, etc. When you have the dream act as submissive as possible and let your girlfriend cum in you. It should work out. The rent is not that bad, but it can sneak up on you.

Though, choosing the landlady to pay rent late means that you could potentially 'pay' 0$ for the month. I feel the same way, and I tend to play it in bursts. Usually after an update. Speaking of updates. I'd like it if there were more things to do. The dating content is exclusively lesbian at the moment, and I'm not that fond of Genevieve. There's a lot of filler days where I'm doing the same exact actions, just working toward the next stage of transformation.

Maybe if there was a mini-game, or a more involved combat system. Like imagine how much more engaging the exotic dancer job would be if you were up on the stage, choosing where to walk around, and what sort of moves you could do in front of which patrons. The currently implemented 'random events' doesn't do much for me because once you know the right answer, you can always pick that answer. It would also be cool if picking up a date at the bar was like the intro where maybe you get the flirt right or wrong, or you aren't dressed for a certain person's style - instead of the pass/fail system where you look at a random individual and it rolls success.

Reading the wiki probably did spoil some of the fun and mystery. And damn wings taking 100 days to finish, as well as catgirl and succubus taking a healthy time investment even with their respective items. I might try out one of these other games. There should be a room (Stone Stairwell?) with the option to go up - the game will ask if you want to reset the dungeon (asking to go up anywhere else also gives you this option) - say no and you'll go outside. It's a bit buggy there and not everything quite works properly, though the area has two new trap types (drilldo that keeps increasing soreness the longer you're on it and vines that attempt to rape you) and two enemies that you don't encounter in the dungeon (demoness from old versions, can drop cursed 5 inch dildo heels of kicking, hates heels, will be friendly if your heel size is high enough, and the mannequin, which will attack you if greeted and apply makeup to your face, doesn't really do much other than alter your picture). Once you learn it from the shopkeeper, defeat a female enemy and you'll be given the option.

The last build I used it in, it was bugged and still killed the target giving the usual loot drop, but I think it was fixed. Last I checked, fucking a defeated enemy decreased humiliation, increased dick size and I think may have increased one of your stats. Just be careful of sex addiction. Long Post Ahead. It doesn't really help that /v/ consists of multiple people with different tastes and preferences, meaning that you all would probably devolve into a rabid frenzy of shitposting if you were forced to agree on a list of games to recommend. Not that this happens twice a day or anything.

However, that site recommends more cawadooty games than it should and uses the word derp far too often, so it's obviously run by a 12 year old redditor. To the guys playing or thinking about playing Trap Quest, here are a few tips and tricks that you may or may not know: Cursed liquid containers will cause any drink, regardless of colour, to appear cursed, whereas blessed ones nullify cursed drinks (this tastes bitter), and increase the effects of good colours. This is important because cursed drinks are one of the main sources of permanent attribute loss alongside gas, sprinklers and needle traps. Platform Heels appear very high; subtract a few inches to get their actual heel size used in balance and damage calculations.

You can learn skills from intelligent enemies; to do so, they need to be non-hostile. You can learn how to beg for mercy from guards, masturbate from wenches (requires no underwear or big dick + underwear), strut from demonesses (requires 5 inch + heels IIRC, results in passive humiliation increase but reduces heel and hip penalties), play with boobs from gladiators (requires at least G cup tits) and fuck defeated enemies from the shopkeeper. You are more likely to learn the skill if you have high intelligence or high trashiness. Wearing jewellery allows you to get around your limited carry capacity at the cost of a minor one-off humiliation penalty upon equipping them. The maximum you can have equipped rises as you become more trashy. Maid outfits decrease strength when cursed and increase it when blessed. The type of maid outfit you receive depends on your trashiness (max is a latex outfit, refined gives a simple maid outfit).


The last wine bottle is in the safe. Spoiler alert, by the way. The puzzle with the safe is simple enough - there's a piece of paper that tells a little story that gives you a large hint (the larger story relates to the order of the wine bottles, but you're able to brute force that puzzle). The solution to the safe puzzle is that the safe gives you three numbers and you need to input the number of letters in each. Six Three Five becomes 354, for instance. That's the hardest puzzle in the game, by the way.

Also, if you get all of the robotic research upgrades before finishing off the mansion, you can take a third option at the end of that story arc which allows you to get a follower that you normally wouldn't be able to. If an NPC is not hostile, input the command 'talk to ', then type in the option 'greet'. If they don't brush you off, do it one more time but type in 'question' instead. You'll either get a random bit of information or the NPC will try to tell you about the skill, which you will have a chance of learning. Of course, dolls, mannequins and the minotaur can't teach you anything.

Note that guards will give you something to drink if you ask for it with no strings attached. The game currently has 2 bosses - the minotaur in the dungeon and the vine boss in a pit outside.

There's no real win condition because the entire thing is still very much in development. With drinks, one of three things will happen when you drink them. Note that all cans are uncursed. The drink will either be cursed and increase random undesirable stats and reduce random desirable ones, be bitter and do nothing or it'll be one of the random beneficial ones.

'Heavy drink' - +hip size (deflects needles/dildos/sex attempts, causes tiredness) and +penis size for males 'Caffeinated/energy drink' - Increases intelligence (trap finding) 'Smooth drink' - Reduces breast size by a few stages 'Thick and dry drink' - Increases strength (damage potential, carry capacity, ability to escape certain traps) 'Sweet and Sugary' - Increases Dexterity (trap avoidance, damage avoidance in combat, reduces tripping chance). In total, there are 9 colours of which 5 are beneficial and 4 are bitter or cursed. The colours are shuffled each time the dungeon is reset so do not rely on old knowledge. The best way to find out what is what in each run is to use a blessed container in order to avoid stat loss. I think that defeated gladiators, guards and demonesses will always drop a beneficial can (unless the demoness drops her heels) as well. I will admit that the game is starting to reach the point where a wiki would definitely be handy.

To be fair, though, half of the fun is in not knowing what's going on. Some cheats for trapquest If you want to cheat and find out what each colour does in a certain dungeon instance (or test other items), type 'purloin ' - it's one of the inform debugging verbs. However, some items, such as ballet heels and hand/anklecuffs, are only spawned by events and are not present in the item pen, meaning that this method won't work for them. Another debugging verb I tend to have a bit of fun with is 'gonear ' - gonear altar teleports you to the altar, gonear creepy mannequin to the creepy mannequin, etc.

They're quite useful for testing features, reproducing bugs and the like. I just checked to make sure and it worked for me.

Green injection. Use all the posters (but then don't look at the final one in the Workstation or it's game over), eat everything, drink the soda twice, read everything, ask Clef about everything. Listen to the radio, watch TV. Use everything in the bathroom. If you Examine the room you're in sometimes you find more options, don't forget about that. And then ask your girlfriend to cum inside you in the dream.

I pretty much just did that and it worked. Ok I'm a bit disappointed with the Lilith device. It starts out at least somewhat promising and then it seems like you just hit a gigantic wall halfway through the game. Once I get all the slaves that require basic fetch questing I can't do a thing. I put easily half my slaves into security and I'm still having all my money and research stolen almost every night. Worse yet I've been trying to find any way to pump up my stats to get other events (particularly talking to that one girl in the street about the other mind control source) and aside from not being able to find a single thing that raises your seduction, I get attacked over and over in the base and lose my stats.

Did I miss some huge aspect to the game that makes it good? Cause it takes such a hard left turn from the beginning I have to assume I missed some key detail. It's pretty easy to become stuck in Lilith Device because there are random events that lower your stats and there are only a limited number of ways to raise them until you get the bio-chamber. I know you need a decent persuade to get into the mansion, but I think you're supposed to get the second scientist from the lecture before you do that, and I don't remember at all what you need to do to start that. Best advice I can give you is to start over, and now that you know how to recruit all the slaves, you can get pretty much all of them from day 1. It makes the game a lot easier. Then just research everything you can and wait for Holo to talk to you.

Once you get the second scientist and start experimenting on your slaves, you can upgrade your defenses to the point where attackers will never succeed. Also keep in mind that different slaves are good at different stuff, so putting the nanomachine researcher in security for example won't give you very much benefit. Like, I feel embarassed for playing RAGS games because so many of them are really poor quality. If you've ever seen like, really bad mind control or.especially. cuckolding/interracial/incest captions, I'm reminded of those. Additionally, a lot of RAGS games have impossible /d/ fetishes, but they use actual 3d models and do gross, shoddy shops to them. On a different spectrum, the 2d predrawn art in the Daydreamer engine (It's similar enough for mention) is terrible.

You have moments of being transformed into a snake lady and then failing to escape your zoo exhibit before the andaconda that originally bit/transformed you sneaks back on you, wraps around you and forces you to carry his eggs, results in a game over. And that idea is hot, but, aeugh. So poorly drawn. As far as ones I liked, Drunken Cowboy is my favorite. Tales of Lust in Delacroix is okay, the second one is better although jarringly unfinished, and the HERS project is probably my second favorite.

The Girly Gauntlet was good, too. Oh, I forgot. The inclusion of celebrities or television hosts as boring, nonsexual male characters is so silly.

Like in Drunken Cowboy, you're just supposed to accept Jay Leno as a serious character. Or picture related, with Adam Sessler. Can anyone recommend me a Rags game that, in order of Is Female Protagonist (at least the majority of the game) Is primarily focused on MF (MM is fine if it fits) Has Rape/Mind Control/BE I've played Cursed.

The gym is woefully under implemented right now. The only available gym slaves are Bree and Abigail and Bree is kind of buggy. I'll try to implement more in the next major update but no promises. To move Abigail or Bree to the gym simply ask them once you have them enslaved and the gym built. And right now the major content areas are Mitsuko's restaurant and Sapphire's Mansion. If you've done both of those there's not much left to do for now other than try to get as many slaves as you can. I'm currently working on the next update which will involve witches and magic.