Export Datagridview To Text File Vb.net


I have a datagridview(DGV) which contains data based on a user selections from a pre-defined dataset In point form: User starts program program builds datatable user opens file and program read all data from file into the dataset.datatable user defines the data they want to see program displays datagrid based on dataset.datatable and user choices. (basically it displays the whole dataset and removes unwanted columns records) I want to be able to export the datagrid to excel (not sure which method yet). I have tried the excelexporter component i found somewhere on the msdn forums (it exports the data to look exactly like the datagridview) but its painfully slow. It exports something in the region of 100 records per minute. Most of the time, the datagridview can contain anywhere from 3000-32,000 records.

I need to export data from GridView to plain text. I and using VB not c# can you rewiter. Exporting the required data in DataGridView to a Text File. Here Mudassar Ahmed Khan has explained with an example, how to export DataGridView data to CSV file in Windows Forms (WinForms) Application using C#.

As such, at 100 records per minute, the excel generation can take updwards of 50minutes. Unacceptably slow for the purposes of the program. What do people recommend as the best method to quickly dump the contents of a datagrid into excel.

Convert pdf to text file

Convert Pdf To Text File

By quickly, im talking at the speed of about 10,000 records per minute. In all honesty, anything over 5000 records per minute will be fast enough, but the quicker the better! Is there a way of creating a new dataset.datatable that is built of the contents of the datagridview and then building an excel sheet by connecting to the new dataset? I would like to be able to export to Excel 2000-2003 at a minimum, but if i can do excel 97 as well it won't hurt.

Any and all suggestions much appreciated. The foloowing Class takes a dataGridView and turn it into a recordset (adodb). It then formats the recordset before it exports it to excel. Eg: You will need to reference the Microsoft Excel Object Library in the project first. Then Add a bound dataGridview to a form and a command button.

Then add the below Class ' clsExcelReport ' to the project. Maybe 'load straight into' was a bit of an exageration then. I haven't used Excel for a couple of years and then it was only '97 which certainly loads a csv file without asking any questions. It seems a shame if that has been lost in more recent versions. I doubt if you had the format wrong. For the test I simply looped through the grid putting a comma after each cell entry and a new line at the end of each row, e.g. FileOpen(1, 'csvtest.csv', OpenMode.Output) Dim iX As Integer Dim sY As String For iX = 0 To DG2.RowCount - 1 sY = DG2(0, iX).Value.ToString & ',' & DG2(1, iX).Value.ToString & ',' & DG2(2, iX).Value.ToString & ',' &.etc Print(1, sY) Next FileClose(1) On my grid that produces a 500k, 10,000 line file in about a second.

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I can't help further with the formatting I'm afraid, although I'm sure there are plenty of people around here who will be able to. Heh, i actually did a test last night on a 'basic' csv file and it went straight in. I must have stuffed up my previous test. Thanks for that Dave. Tis appreciated Does anyone know any ways of being able to format excel when using csv files?

I'm not concerned about row colouring and the like, just formatting columns to the right text/general/number type etc. Excel has a nasty habit of removing leading 0's and general screwing up large numbers. I don't want the end user to have to fix it each time Just trying this out though. The DataGrid can have a varying number of columns. It order to parse through and write to a csv, i need to know how many columns i have. Im trying the below code, but it doesn't seem to work. Anyone have any thoughts? Try FileOpen(9, 'f: csvdump.csv', OpenMode.Output) Dim iX As Integer Dim sY As String Dim CCM As Integer = DataGridView1.Columns.Count Dim CC As Integer = 0 For iX = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 Do Until CC = CCM sY = DataGridView1(CC, iX).Value.ToString & ',' Print(9, sY) CC = CC + 1 Loop Next FileClose(9) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try Doh i've inserted my Brain and it seemed to help me!

Try FileOpen(9, 'f: csvdump.csv', OpenMode.Output) Dim iX As Integer Dim iY As Integer Dim sY As String For iX = 0 To DataGridView1.Rows.Count - 1 For iY = 0 To DataGridView1.Columns.Count - 1 sY = DataGridView1(iY, iX).Value.ToString & ',' Print(9, sY) Next Print(9, vbCr) Next FileClose(9) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try. Hello, I assume u r using VB. If it is in.NET environment, make sure you installed Office application programming with DotNET. In your program add reference to Microsoft.Excel.

As i have done similar programing using Excel without DotNET i'm giving you same idea. You harvest the same in DotNET. In VB6 with Excel 2000 TLB file referenced, CreateObject(Excel.Application).

This will create Excel object in memory. Your datagrid has data. This is nothing but a dataset or in earlier form of ADO a recordset with UI. Create new Sheet in memory of the excel object and set the recordset property of the sheet to the recordset of the data you have. Before doing that set the Redraw and Refresh and Visible properties of the Excel object to false. After setting the recordset object, set those properties to true.

Using VB6 and Excel97/2000 i have created complex excel files with very large data of above 120 columns and more than 100,000 rows in few seconds. Of course your PC performance counts here. This programming requires expertise in Office Automation. Im going straight into excel with the following code of course, it doesn't seem to want to let me put the header text in. When it starts processing the rows it simply starts at row 1 (and i understand why) how do i tell it that even though i want to parse the datagrid from rowindex 0, i want to insert it on the spreadsheet starting at row 2?

I noticed that using OLE Automation from VB.NET is slower than using it from VB6. I tried Office XP PIA (Primary Interop Assemblies) downloaded from I think it is so slow because of switching between managed (your application) and non-managed (MS Excel) code. I solved this problem by using Range.CopyFromRecordset. Office XP PIA includes PIA for ADODB. So I include reference to this assembly in my project. Then I created function that creates ADODB.Recordset object from DataTable. Is there any way to export with some code changes to word format -.doc?

The foloowing Class takes a dataGridView and turn it into a recordset (adodb). It then formats the recordset before it exports it to excel. Eg: You will need to reference the Microsoft Excel Object Library in the project first. Then Add a bound dataGridview to a form and a command button. Then add the below Class ' clsExcelReport ' to the project. Just a heads up - Daniel Rieck was kind enough to re-post his Excel Exporter (aka: ExcelExporter ) (the original DotNetSite hosting is long gone.) It is not the fastest option because it includes all formatting data, etc as seen in the datagridview.

This is not just a data dump and therefore will never be as fast. He did, however, report that his use of OpenXML has greatly increased the speed.

I pasted the link and his original message to me below: I've uploaded the current version of my ExcelExporter component to Since the original release, I also added support for OpenXML spreadsheets (Office 2007.xlsx files), which is much faster. Any feedback is welcome. Well you are right.It does take too long for that. OTHER options: 1)Create Crystal Report and view the Report,you will find a botton on the tool bar of Reprotviewer on left side on clicking it you can save the data in word/pdf/Excel/Data Excel/text.Its fast but crude. 2)If you are using Access file as backend and want only backup then use 'copy to method' on Exit Button click.So that the Access file which is in the folder xyz after installation would be copied to the backup folder of other Drive.

I am still new to VB.net. Please correct me if I am wrong. Dr Rajesh Adhav.

Export Windows Forms DataGridView to PDF using iTextSharp, C and VB.Net. Exporting DataGridView data to PDF. Im trying to export a populated datagridview with the following code: Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Imports. ReportExporters is a library for easy exporting of a DataGridView to. 5, you can try to change economic warfare risks and responses pdf the references to the libraries from the Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable 2008. Answer, Re: vb.net Pin. Http: www.aspsnippets.c omA rticlesExpo rt-GridV iew-to-PDF-and-send-PDF-Fil e-as-email.

Or how export datagridview vbnet to pdf fil e. VB.NET Tutorial 37: How to Create a PDF File in Visual Basic. Exportar e Importar un DataGridView a Excel en VB 2010 Rapido y Facil. NET Tutorial Part47: iTextSharp How to create PDF file in VB NET. NET Tutorial Part53: How to import excel file to datagridview in VB NET.Q: Export Datagrid To.Pdf In Vb.Net. I am having a datagridview i want to export my data directly in.pdf format. How can i do it.

Thank You.Forms DataGridView control to Excel XLSX, XLS with GemBox. Other spreadsheet ODS, CSV formats and various document formats HTML, PDF, XPS from. 3 and 4 - Please refer to the attached CustomToolBar Sample constructed in Vb.net.

Ill explain how to export gridview data with css edit highlight fields pdf style format paging to word, excel, pdf using itextsharp dll, text file in asp.net using c or vb.net.Portable Document Format PDF is a file format that represents all the characteristics of a printed document that you can read, write and prin t or forward. You can crea te PDF fi le program mati call y from your V B.

Export Datagridview To Text File Vb.net

Hi, How do yo u export da ta from Da taG ridV ie w to PDF format using VB.NET? Thanks, Victor.This is a tutorial on how to add rows to a datagridview in Visual Basic.NET. Read and write Excel 2000 - 2003 file - Visual Basic.NET Validate Phone Number. PDF Reader - Visual Basic.NET BackgroundWorker in Visual Basic.NET. Net to M icrosoft SQ L Se rver?F or Excel to PDF.N ET conve rsion ta sk you can transform b y one.

I have o ne dat agri dvi ew, one button i n my vb.net 2 008 win dows appl icati on. I binde d some da ta i n data grid vi ew. I want to export the d ata to pd f. Export Datagridview Data to Excel in C Windows Application VB.NET - ASP.

I could help but exported to pdf code vb.net.I am new to VB.net programming and was wondering if anybody has any suggestions as to how I can export. Hi, I was working with CSV file and DataGri dV iew in V B.NET. NET to export data t o excel, ht ml. May 25, 2014. Inside the Button Cli ck.Dec 22, 2013. Im trying to export a populated datagridview with the following code: Imports System.Data.OleDb Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel Imports.I want it to export as something that cannot be edited so not excel file.

Ive tried using iTextSharp to export as pdf and cant seem to come up.Jul 31, 2008. Answer, Re: vb.net Pin.Dec 30, 2014.

Very Fast Method Export DataGridView To Excel With VB Net - Best code to export DataGridView data to Excel file using vb.net 2005. In this.Jan 29, 2013. Exportar e Importar un DataGridView a Excel en VB 2010 Rapido y Facil.May 24, 2013.

Export from DataGridView to.

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