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For the first time in two thousand years, the mystery of the Book of Revelation will be revealed by the One who was prophesied in the Book of Revelation! Unveil the Mystery of the Book of Revelation by the 'Second Boy' in the Bible (Revelation 12:5) For the past two thousand years, the Book of Revelation has been the most mysterious book in the Bible.


Many people have tried to interpret it, but no one truly understands it; many people have tried to use the prophecies to predict the future, but none of them have succeeded. Because the mystery of the prophecies of God is not meant to be revealed until the prophecies are fulfilled, no one should use the prophecies of God to pre-determine what God can do or should do to fulfill His prophecies. Only God has the authority to determine when and how His prophecies should be fulfilled, as He did to the City of Nineveh through the Prophet Jonah. The purpose of the prophecies of God is to show people the big picture of what will happen in the future, but not the details of how it will happen. Thus no one can boast that he can determine what God can do or should do. The mystery of the prophecies of God will be revealed after the prophecies are fulfilled to confirm what God has prophesied in the past and to prove His Divine Authority over the course of human history. To understand the prophecies in the Book of Revelation in the New Testament, people need to learn the prophecies in the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament and see how they were fulfilled.

The three dreams and visions in the Book of Daniel were all prophesying the historic events of the rising of four kingdoms in the next several hundred years. So should the prophecies in the Book of Revelation be fulfilled. The prophecies in the Book of Revelation are not about the disasters at the 'End of the World' as most people expected, but about the major historic events in world history after the first century, like the establishment of Christianity as the State religion, the rising of Islam & the Arabic Empire, the Dark Ages, the Renaissance, the Reformation, the French Revolution, the World Wars, the rising of Communism, 'Sept. 11', the War in Iraq, etc. The central point of the prophecies in the Book of Revelation is the ' Second Boy' promised in the Bible, the 'Man Child' in Revelation 12:5 and later in Revelation 19:11-16. No one truly understands the Book of Revelation without knowing how the prophecies of the ' Second Boy' are fulfilled.

There are two boys prophesied in the Bible. The ' First Boy' in the Bible was prophesied in Isaiah 9:6 in the Old Testament, which was Jesus Christ in the New Testament. The ' Second Boy' in the Bible is that ' Man Child' prophesied in the Book of Revelation 12:5 in the New Testament, who was born under the reign of the 'Red Dragon' (Revelation 12:3-5) and later taken to the land of the 'Great Eagle' (Revelation 12:14). Many people thought that prophecy of the 'Man Child' in Revelation 12:5 is referring to the birth of Jesus Christ in the New Testament, but it is not. The 'Second Boy' will have a different name that 'no one knows but he himself' (Revelation 19:12). He will come and reveal the 'Eternal Gospel for every nation, tribe, language and people' (Revelation 14:6) for the 'New Millennium Kingdom' (Revelation 20:1-5), including the 'Rod of Iron' that 'rules all the nations' (Revelation 12:5 & 19:15).

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At the beginning of the New Millennium, the year 2000, many people anticipated the miracle of the 'Second Coming' but did not see it. The prophecy was fulfilled, but just not in the way most people expected.

There are actually TWO events, not one, prophesied in the Book of Revelation that could be considered as the 'Second Coming'. One is the coming of the 'Second Boy' in the Bible as prophesied in the Book of Revelation 12:5 and 19:11. The second event is the coming of the Final Judgment in Revelation 20:11-21:5. These two events are a thousand years apart, but many people confused them as one event. If people are looking for the 'Second Coming' for the Final Judgment at the 'End of the World', that's still a thousand years away.

But if people are looking for the 'Second Boy' in the Bible to start the 'Golden Era' for the 'New Millennium' as prophesied in the Book of Revelation 20:1-5, that moment has arrived. December 21, 2012 is the end of the Mayan Calendar. Many people thought it was the 'End of the World', but actually it is not. It is just the End of the 'Old Time' and the beginning of the New Era of Peace & Wisdom, the Millennium Kingdom, as the ' Second Boy' prophesied in Revelation 12:5 has come to unveil the 2,000-year mystery of the Book of Revelation and reveal the 'Eternal Gospel' for 'every nation, tribe, language and people'. (Revelation 14:6) ' Blessed are the eyes that see what you see.

Free Police Mystery Ebooks

For I tell you that many prophets and kings wanted to see what you see but did not see it, and to hear what you hear but did not hear it.' (Luke 10:23-24). Let's welcome the New Era by unveiling the 2,000-year mystery of the Book of Revelation first! Follow the 'Son of Man' on the Facebook & Twitter Copyright © 2012. All Rights Reserved.