Download 3 Different Types Software Licenses Software


Licensed Software applications are managed in a variety of methods. These methods differ in.

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The license management interface and process,. License allocation and availability,.

Compliance to licensing agreements,. Usage chargeback considerations. License vendors should be aware of the different opportunities and disadvantages resident in each of these methods.

System administrators and license managers should also heed the capabilities and prices that are embedded in the different options and methods of software licensing. This document is a brief review of these different available licensing models. License dongles or license usb keys This is an electronic device provided by the software vendor, which enforces copy protection and authenticity validation of a licensed application.

The hardware key is programmed with a singular product key and is attached to an external bus of the computer to enable work with the software. This form of licensing is very rigid, unconfigurable and lean on features. Consequently – dongle licenses are typically the cheapest form of supplied licenses. Software node locked licenses This type of license is merely a software implementation of the former one: Prior to enabling the application on the designated computer, The vendor would provide a license key or license file specific to that machine. The result is a rigid – format license per machine. Floating licenses, Network licenses, Concurrent license These are synonyms to the same concept of possessing expensive licenses in a smaller number than the maximal number of users.

There are different types of licenses and licensing. And controls the use of concurrent use licensed software. Site licenses. Information Technology Services. Types of Software Licences by Sohaib. Whenever you purchase or download software. There are actually several different types of software licenses that restrict. Home Software Asset Management Top Ten Licensing Types. There is a number of different software. User based and named user licenses are very different.

Floating licenses effectively shares software assets among users on a network, time-dividing licenses according to a queue of demand; When a user requires a license, a request is made to a central license server, which in turn either grants the request or refuses it according to availability or predefined constraints. Floating licenses often involve a certain form of “contract” that articulates the quantity of acquired licenses and the policy of permitted usage. This license file may be either physically provided by the vendor or reside in trusted storage on the network. Some Concurrent License Management systems provide methods of excluding limited quantities of licenses from the collective license pool, to assign them to specific users or workstations, for either a predefined period or indefinitely. These methods would also be elaborated in the license file. License Borrowing “”, also referred to as “License Commuting” or “Offline license” is a method of providing application usage privileges in the absence of connection to the central license server. This is an effective solution for travelling businessmen and engineers, that need to work using a laptop computer.

The Borrowed licenses’ option is usually the most expensive form of licensing; Usage is counted as the entire period in which the license was extracted from the pool. It is recommended to return license servers to the pool as soon as possible.

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Host locked, Node locked licenses, Single Use licenses These are synonyms to licenses that are allocated to specific workstations. This option is defined in the licensing files or “Options files” provided by some license management systems. Connecting a floating license to specific workstations decreases license maneuverability, but in turn it ensures the productivity of certain staff members, and generally lowers the cost of licensing in the organization. Named users Similar to having licenses tied to workstations, there is also the possibility to connect a specific license to a predefined user.

The advantage of the latter is the user’s capability to apply their usage rights once, on each of the organization’s workstations. OpenLM OpenLM is an Application Usage Management tool, which monitors license usage on every type of the license models as described above. OpenLM can either query the central license manager for license usage, or manage workstation specific license – dongle applications by introducing the OpenLM Agent module on each of the ‘Dongle’-ed machines.


Software Licensing A software license is a legally binding agreement that specifies the terms of use for an application and defines the rights of the software producer and of the end-user. All software must be legally licensed before it may be installed. 65 labels per sheet template.

Proof of purchase (purchase orders, receipts, invoices or similar documentation are acceptable) must be maintained by individuals or departments for all non-ITS provided software that is installed on a university-owned computer. Vendors may require proof of purchase during an audit, and technical support staff may ask for proof of purchase before software can be reinstalled on a computer that has been reimaged or rebuilt. Software licensing can be a confusing subject. There are different types of licenses and licensing contracts, and different vendors may use different terms to describe their licenses. Here are some key terms to help you navigate through these murky waters. Before purchasing any software, be sure that any End User License Agreements (EULAs), or 'clickwraps' are submitted to the University Counsel's office. For more information, visit.

Types of licenses Proprietary license Most software licenses are 'proprietary' licenses, meaning the software publisher grants a license to use one or more copies of software, but that ownership of those copies remains with the software publisher. The user must accept the license before they are permitted to use the software. GNU General Public License These are agreements under which much 'open source' software is licensed. End users may do things like change the source code, but any refinements of the software must also be made available under a GNU GPL license.

Often referred to as 'free, copyleft' licenses, the software may or may not be distributed for a fee - 'free' refers to the ability of users to change and distribute modifications of the software, not to cost. See the web page for more information. End User License Agreement (EULA) Also called 'clickwraps' or 'shrinkwraps,' EULAS indicate the terms under which the end-user may use the software. Agreements with organizations or companies often take the form of contracts between the organization and the software publisher or vendor, and specify the terms of use for all users from the organization, superseding any EULAs which may come with the software.

Workstation licenses These are licenses that permit the installation of an application on a single computer. You may not install the software on more than one machine unless you purchase a license for each additional machine. Most workstation license agreements allow you to make a single backup copy of the software as long as that backup copy is used only to restore the software onto the same machine, or a separate machine if the software is removed from the original computer.

Concurrent use license These are licenses that permit you to install the software onto multiple machines as long as the number of computers using the software at the same time does not exceed the number of licenses which you have purchased. Concurrent use licenses are usually used in conjunction with 'license manager' software that prevents the number of licenses from being exceeded. At UNCG, ITS uses software that monitors and controls the use of concurrent use licensed software. Site licenses A site license permits the use of software on any computer at a specified site. Unlimited site licenses allow the installation of software on any number of computers as long as those computers are located at the specified site.

Some site licenses permit the installation on computers owned by a particular entity (such as a university) regardless of the physical location. Some vendors refer to their licenses as site licenses but restrict the number of computers on which the software may be installed. The only way to know for sure is to read the license specifics. Perpetual licenses These are licenses without expiration dates, which permit use of the software indefinitely, without requiring a recurring fee for continued use. Most software that individuals buy for use on their home computers are perpetual licenses. Non-perpetual licenses These are licenses that 'lease' the software for use for a specified period of time, usually annually or sometimes bi-annually. Users are required to remove the software from their computer if they cease paying the license fee.

License with Maintenance Some license agreements allow the user to purchase 'maintenance' or 'software assurance' along with the original license fee, which entitles the user to receive new versions of the software for one to two years until the maintenance agreement expires.