Tripod Beta Software Update


Advantages:. It can provide a convenient way of assembling facts from the investigation, which avoids mislaying or overlooking evidence and consequently can, in the hands of a good investigator, produce a better report in less time. It enables the Tripod Beta tree to be drawn with no graphic design skills. Developing the tree as the investigation progresses aids understanding within the investigation team and, including a well-drawn completed tree in the final report, aids understanding for all those who read the report. Most software packages have prompts and reminders so you are less likely to overlook points or sections in the report. Error alerts can highlight omissions or illogical relationships as the tree is being constructed and, as a consequence, reduces the time spent on proof reading and correcting. It can automatically format the data into a concise report.

Balancer, Open. WAG, CNC Header & Footer Convert,. Here is the list of drivers available to download. How to install a drivers from a zip file? Use the powerful Investigator 3 software to plan and run your incident. The Tripod Beta incident analysis. To the latest version updates and 24.

For those who have 'writen-up' the notes from an investigation team will realise how much time this can save. A consistent layout is a significant help to senior managers who, in the course of a year, may be required to read many incident reports. Disadvantages:. Cost of software, IT support and training.

It takes time to become familiar with the software so it is unlikely for the whole team to be competent in using it; hence the responsibility for producing the report will probably be left to one person. A projector is needed to display the tripod beta tree onto a screen throughout the analysis phase to keep the whole team engaged. Warning:. Using Microsoft Word to write a novel does not guarantee a best seller. Similarly using accident investigation software does not necessarily produce better reports. If the investigation team cannot produce a good report using a flip chart and post-it notes then they are unlikely to produce one using software.

The software can be more of a hinderance than a help for those who are not familiar with it. Tripod Beta diagram symbols for use in powerpoint A stencil is a set of objects that you can select and drop into your own diagram. It will help you to produce reasonable diagrams quickly. You will need Microsoft PowerPoint application installed on your computer. Download either the ppt (1997 – 2004) or pptx (2004 – present) version. Open the stencil file alongside the file that you are working on and select, drag and drop objects from one to the other.

Click on the text area to add text. You can also drop these symbols into Visio and Graffle.

Note that there is a place to number each element - useful when linking to text in a report or in group discussions. One major user of Tripod Beta is combining the findings from many reports by producing histograms and trends of immediate causes. To record the necessary information on the diagram, a two digit code can be added to each Immediate Cause. The human behaviour types are grouped into three categores; Skill based errors ( S), Mistakes ( M), and Violations ( V). Sub divsions of these three categories become: Slip - SS, Lapse - SL, Rule based mistake – MR, Knowledge based mistake – MK, Routine violation – VR, Situational violation – VS, Exceptional violation - VE, Optimising for company violation – VC, Optimising for personal gain violation – VP, and Reckless violation - VK. Sequentially Timed Event Plot (STEP) Blank cards for drawing sequentially timed event plots (STEP) Print directly from the powerpoint file or cut and paste into another file format. Histogram of occurrences of BRF Categories Arrange the open stencil file alongside the file that you are working on and drag and drop objects.

Click on each element in turn to adjust height. Bow Tie diagram Arrange the open stencil file alongside the file that you are working on and drag and drop objects.

What is IncidentXP? To dowload, email or print the product brocure.

IncidentXP is our incident analysis software product which uses the same software framework as BowTieXP. This makes it possible to link incident analysis information to risk assessment information. However, IncidentXP can also be used as full-fledged stand-alone incident analysis tool. The software is designed to learn from all incidents that have occurred in your company. The type of incidents may range from process deviations, to near misses, to small incidents, to major accidents.

And the incidents can relate to both Process Safety and Personal Safety. Why IncidentXP? Learning from incidents is a challenge for most organizations. TRAKTOR LE (Reloop).

One of the biggest reasons for this is that the analysis performed on the incident does not provide an adequate basis for high quality recommendations which will change the organization for the better while still being realistic. IncidentXP will assist you in making recommendation focused on a specific barrier or on the organizational level (basic risk factor level). Only using incident analysis is not enough.

Bowtie risk assessment can be used to check if the investigation covered everything that was supposed to be done before we finalize an incident analysis. Additional, the incident analysis results should link back to the risk assessment to aggregate and detect trends across incidents.

By providing both risk assessment (BowTieXP) and risk monitoring (IncidentXP) we close the circle of Deming (plan-do-check-act) within 1 software framework. Tripod - Beta The tripod method is a way of conducting incident analysis. It is mostly used for high risk, complex incidents, since it is a very extensive and detailed method. Training is highly recommended when using the tripod method.

A Tripod Beta tree is built in three steps. The first step is to ask the question: ‘what happened?’. All the events that happened in the incident are listed as a chain of events. The next step is to identify the barriers that failed to stop this chain of events. The question that is asked in this step is: ‘How did it happen?’. When all the events and the failed barriers in between are identified, the reason for failure of these barriers is analyzed. The last question for this step is: ‘Why did it happen?’.

For each of the failed barriers a causation path is identified. Tripod Beta Method The tripod method is a way of conducting incident analysis. It is mostly used for high risk, complex incidents, since it is a very extensive and detailed method. Training is highly recommended when using the tripod method.

A Tripod Beta tree is built in three steps. The first step is to ask the question: ‘what happened?’. All the events that happened in the incident are listed as a chain of events. The next step is to identify the barriers that failed to stop this chain of events. The question that is asked in this step is: ‘How did it happen?’.

When all the events and the failed barriers in between are identified, the reason for failure of these barriers is analyzed. The last question for this step is: ‘Why did it happen?’. For each of the failed barriers a causation path is identified. All the items that appear in the Tripod Beta method are explained in more detail below. What happened?

First it needs to be identified what happened during the incident; what events occurred. This is the core of the tripod diagram and is represented with three shapes, the head ‘trio’. These three elements are:. Event.

Hazard. Object The trio can be explained as an AND gate, both the Hazard and the Object need to be present for the Event to occur. The Hazard acts on the Object to change its state or condition that is described as the Event. In a tripod tree there can be multiple trios. Hazards and Objects can form new Events. Event In the tripod theory an Event is a happening, a ‘change of state’, whereby an object is affected by a Hazard. All events may cause potential injury, damage or loss.

Examples of events are:. Cut in a finger. Car collision. A failed money investment Hazard A Hazard is an entity with the potential to change, harm or damage an object upon which it is acting. Hazards can be a physical energy source or can have a more abstract nature. Examples of a Hazard are:.

Working on height. Explosive material. Economic crisis Object The Object is the item that is changed by the Hazard. The Object can be someone or something that is harmed, changed or damaged. Examples of Objects are:. Employee.

IT system. Environment 2. How did it happen? Barriers The second step in the tripod analysis is to analyze how the incident could have happened by identifying the failed barriers. The barriers can be placed between the Hazard and the Event and between the Object and the Event. To identify these two types of barriers two questions are asked: What Barriers should have prevented the exposure to the Hazard? What Barriers should have protected the Object from the Hazard?

Tripod Beta Software Update

A Barrier is something that should prevented the meeting of an Object and a Hazard. It protects people, assets, environment from the negative consequences of a Hazard. Barriers can have their effect on the Hazard (e.g. Insulation) or the Object (e.g.

In a Tripod analysis a Barrier can be qualified as failed, missing or effective. Why did it happen? The last step is to identify why the incident happened; what caused the Barriers to fail. To analyze this we follow a certain pathway, called the ‘Causation Path’.

Tripod Beta Training

The causation path consists of three items:. Immediate Cause.

Tripod Beta Software Update

Precondition. Underlying Cause Immediate Cause The Immediate Cause explains the human act that directly caused the Barrier to break.

The Tripod method is based on the Human Error theory. This theory states that incidents happen when people make errors and fail to keep the barriers functional or in place. These errors are Immediate Causes. Examples of Immediate causes are:. Neglecting to wear PPE.

Wrong design decision. Inappropriate use of tools Precondition The Precondition is the environmental, situational or psychological ‘state’ in which the Active Failure takes place. It explains the context of the human error and it provides the control breaching capacity of the Active Failure. This can be related to supervision, training, instructions, procedures, etc. Examples of Preconditions are:.

Bad sight. Budget squeeze. Poor ergonomics of tools Underlying Cause Underlying Causes are the organizational or systemic deficiencies that create Preconditions. The Underlying Cause acts on a system level, it always involves the organization.

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A Underlying Cause is not incidental, but is present for a longer time; it is an underlying failure. Examples of Underlying Causes are:. Inadequate training. Failure to identify hazards. Imbalanced budgets.