Ora-12514 After Patch

Error ora 12514
  1. Ora 12514 12c

Hi Brijesh, We have a particular situation. We are on 12.2.4 and we need to perform full clone. We have a 4 node application clone and its all non-shared file system. While cloning as per the process we run adpreclone on source run FS and copy the application file system.

I installed the Oracle patch on my Oracle 10g instance. Now when I try to log in I get a ORA-12514 error: 'ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of. [ERROR] Error Message: ORA-12514. Tagged adop, patch. The information you would have supplied at the adop prompts and by creating another file known.

As we have 9 NLS and lot of custom forms, one file system size is 100+ GB. If we are copying only run FS on only primary node and then adcfgclone.pl with dual fs option it copies internally on fs2. Same thing we need to perform on 3 other nodes. FMWHOME configuration and copy of application fs (100.8=800 GB) is taking a lot of time. We are looking for methods to reduce the cloning time. Please suggest.

Also, can we do following? = Only copying the appltop,commontop and 10.1.2 oraclehome (what we normally do) and do not touch the FMWHOME on target and run autoconfig with backup XML file after DB clone is doen.

= We are trying to figure out if FMWHOME has some info stored in database which we need to update? Will this process work? Please suggest. Hi Guys, No Need to redo the Patch File System Clone all over again. Just follow below steps it will resolve the issue: Solution: Before running Autoconfig on the patch file system the ebslogin trigger MUST be disabled After the successful completion of Autoconfig then ebslogin trigger MUST be re-enabled. This needs to be done as the SYSTEM schema user.

Ora 12514 12c

Disable the ebslogin trigger using the following SQL.