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Children’s books first appeared in the later 18th century and were strongly moralizing and didactic. The books were meant to teach and instruct, not to entertain, and the child figures in those books behaved like pint-sized adults. Then in the first half of the 19 th century, literature started depicting the child in what was believed to be his natural state – innocent and perfect. With their colorfully illustrated and entertaining rhymes, their wild and rebellious children, and their gruesome content, Struwwelpeter (1845) and Max und Moritz (1865) broke with both of these traditions. In both works, the drastic content in words and pictures was something new and unexpected.

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The characters in both stories behave badly and are punished for it. But Busch takes his representations even further than Hoffmann. Hoffmann’s work depicts typical child behaviors or missteps – thumb-sucking, fidgeting, playing with fire, teasing, not eating one’s dinner. And his various characters suffer the natural consequences of their misbehaviors – Paulinchen burns herself to death, the animal torturer Friedrich is bitten by a dog, the Kaspar who won’t eat his dinner dies of starvation. Max und Moritz was popular beyond Wilhelm Busch’s wildest dreams. Published in 1865, in 1866 it was translated into Danish, and the following year an English edition appeared. Japanese and Hebrew translations followed.

By the time Busch died in 1908, the book was in its 56 th edition, had been translated into 10 languages, and had sold more than 430,000 copies. It has since been translated into over 150 languages and dialects. The publication of Max und Moritz changed Busch’s fortune.

His writing career had begun modestly. But by the time of his death, he was well off and well known. Today he is considered one of the most influential humoristic authors and illustrators in Germany and is known internationally. Even Maurice Sendak, author of the wildly popular children’s book, among others, said that he stole something from Max und Moritz for nearly every one of his books.

Wir Uben Deutsche Grammatik Hana Justova

Max und Moritz is considered the forerunner of the comic strip. Max und Moritz served as an early model and inspiration for the American newspaper comic strip. In 1897, Rudolph Dirks created a comic strip for the newspapers of William Randolph Hearst based on Max und Moritz. “The Katzenjammer Kids” became the first fully developed cartoon strip in the U.S., featuring speech balloons and a continuous cast of characters, with the action divided into small, regular panels. Figures Hans and Fritz are easily recognizable as descendents of Busch’s two protagonists and even some of the key scenes in Dirks’ work are identical to Busch’s. Wilhelm Busch is frequently called the forefather of modern comics.

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Max und Moritz still has a significant place in the German cultural consciousness. References to Max und Moritz have been and still are everywhere in German-speaking areas, sometimes even in the most unusual and unlikely places. The book title has shared its name with schools (!), restaurants, taverns, and golf tournaments. The boys’ names and image have appeared on packages of sauerkraut, sausage, and cheese, on postage stamps, telephone cards, and objects for every day usage, such as key chains, T-shirts, lunch boxes, mugs, nightlights. They have been the inspiration for toys and new card and board games. There have been parodies and imitations of the work, it has inspired new comics and cartoons, recordings, and dramatizations, and adaptations have been produced for film and musical and theatrical performances. And the Max-und-Moritz-Prize is awarded biennially for the best German comic artist, as well as the best German and international comics and comic strips, the best children’s comic, and the best student publication.

In addition, the judges award special prizes and a lifetime achievement award. The ubiquity of Max und Moritz in German-speaking regions shows its continuing place in German cultural identity even 150 years after its publication. Want to read Max und Moritz? Here is an divided into sections. And here is the as a QuickTime video with pictures from the book. If you are intersted in the history of the book, this might interest you.

Or maybe you’d like your own downloadable copy. This is a free copy in. If you to have your own copy of Max und Moritz, you can find a German-English dual language edition on or a German one on. Did you know that the various Amazon stores offer hundreds, maybe thousands, of free German books for download? Not all of them are high-quality books, but there are often some real finds among the free selections. Maybe not surprisingly, Amazon doesn’t make it easy for customers to find the free downloads.

The foreign-language downloads can be especially tricky to locate. I’ve set up specialized search links to point you directly to the free German books on four of the Amazon sites. The instructions differ a bit depending on whether you’re on Amazon Germany or on an English-language Amazon.Follow the link and read the instructions to find out how to mine some of these free little gems for yourself. If you need help reading your ebook or troubleshooting the download, scroll to the bottom of the page for more help. Free German Books from Amazon Germany publishes lists of their most popular ebook downloads and currently allows you to examine the Top 100 free downloads in each category.

The above link will take you to the Top 100 free downloads overall, but if you use the left menu on the linked page, you can narrow the search to particular themes. Make sure that Top 100 gratis is chosen on the top tab to view the list of free items for the chosen category.

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I didn’t sort this list for language since presumably most of the books that come up on will be in German. This is a great way to expand your German library in categories that interest you. And reading things you find interesting is absolutely one of the best ways to learn a language. And it won’t cost you a cent. Here are a few things that caught my eye. How about you?

What did you find? Free German Books from English-language Amazons. Follow this link to free German books presorted by price from lowest to highest. This means that the books that are free to download will be at the beginning of the list. Use the left menu on the landing page to choose subcategories you are interested in. Scan through each category that interests you, but as you scroll through the books, keep your eye on the price to make sure you are still among the free offerings. Some of the books offered on are also offered on these sites. Among other things, there are lots of free German literary works whose copyright has expired and that are therefore free to download. Here are a few examples of things I found interesting in Children’s Books, in Fiction, and in Crafts, Hobbies, and Home on


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Please share your find in the comments below! DISCLAIMER: If you follow any of the above links and decide to make a purchase, Amazon will pay me a small commission for it. This price you pay remains the same. These commissions help offset the cost of running and maintaining this site and allow me to keep offering free content to users. I regularly teach a Contemporary Issues in German-Speaking Regions course for intermediate to advanced learners.

In this course, I want learners to become informed citizens and ultimately to learn to converse intelligently on topics of current interest in the German-speaking world. I hope to provide a format and an array of materials (linked at the bottom of the post) that any German instructor can use to teach a similar course.

The format can also work with some minor adjustments or additions for Conversation and/or Composition courses — which I also do. Course content The core content for these courses comes from Deutsche Welle’s and. The content is free (no need for expensive textbooks!), it is current and ever-expanding, uses authentic language in both written and spoken form, and is managable in length, language use, and content for intermediate to advanced students. Moreover, the modules lend themselves to a range of extension activities for vocabulary building, linguistic analysis, grammar practice, and oral practice. I’m going to describe how I use these online materials.

Then below I will link to all of the extension activities I have created. This is somewhat off-topic, but I have to share.

If you’re a student buying German books for classes or if you plan to buy any books for the next six months, you could benefit from the free program. Here’s the deal: You must be a currently enrolled student with extension e-mail address. If you sign up, you get free 2-day shipping on books and pretty much anything else Amazon sells with no minimum purchase requirement. After the six-month free trial period, you will be eligible to continue the Amazon Student program at half price ($49 instead of $99). There is no obligation to continue after six months and you can cancel at any time.

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I have been a happy Amazon Prime customer for a few years. Amazon Student is basically the same Amazon Prime service but at a student discount. Be aware that the free trial gives you the free 2-day shipping benefit, but none of the other perks of the paid account: unlimited streaming of movies and TV episodes, free access to millions of songs, and if you own a Kindle, the ability to borrow one e-book per month for no additional charge. However, if you choose to upgrade to the paid Amazon Student service, all of the benefits of the full-price Prime service are included.